Progressive farmers of 10-12 sodic villages located in the radius of 5 km., were facilitated to build their own institution”Farmers Field School (FFS)”.  At the time of preparing this report, 238 FFS have been constituted out of which 15 have been provided with computers and other peripherals to act as e-chaupals.  These FFS are community led extension agencies working in the field of technology development and dissemination and undertaking various activities in order to ensure sustainability of project impacts during post reclamation period.  In this system usually progressive farmers are opted as the extension agents of Site Implementation Committee (SIC) with various nomenclatures such as Kisan Mitra, Mahila Kisan Mitra, and animators etc. Farmers Field Schools have been created as learning centres of the farmers .These learning centres are being managed by the farmers.In second phase of UPSLRP it was proposed that Farmers Field School should be established in all the blocks covered under UPSLRP-2
and link up all the sodic villages with these FFS.These FFS wiill work as forums where farmers can share their traditional Knowledge (ITKs),Experiences and skills development and dissemination of Location Specific,Farmers Friendly,Cost - effective technologies.The Project is emphasizing on initiation of Income Generation Activities (IGAs) to enhance income base of FFS and its Master Trainers.For developing these FFS as Knowledge centres, Libraries/ e-chaupal have been promoted at the FFS Level.
Till Date,238 FFS have been formed covering 2588 villages of 152 blocks and the project is emphasizing to cover all the project village under FFS.The membership base of the club comprises 15505 members and total 2180 master trainers on different subjects have been developed so far to provide regular training / support to member farmers.Till date,140 FFS are registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 so that they can implement rural development programs at the village level.
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